I chose a strong contrast of colour bettween the yellows and black as if a warning sign.

Move away the strip it asks you a question.

You unfold the poster.

With a daft answer from real school answers with info how to improve your revision.
This is what I have put:
Everyone dreads revision. But there comes a time in everyone’s life when you have to do it. Reading these lists can help you increase your chances of remembering the important facts and answering no stupid answers.
Make a plan
Don’t do an elaborate plan
Test yourself
Find out about anything you don’t understand
Take physical exercise
Take breaks
Get out the colouring pens
Don’t do it all at once
Learn it inside out and backwards
Eat properly and get some sleep
This is the same concept how too present the poster.

I am stuck which colours to use yellow or orange I think I am swade on the orange it stands out more than the yellow looks slightly too faded.

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